Woking Young Musicians Trust
2023 Awards Ceremony

Anthony Harris, Lucia Hernandez Turnbull, Charlie Perkins, Lucas Oliver, Alex Qu, Zoe Legge, Cllr. Saj Hussain
Woking Young Musicians’ Trust May 16th 2023
This year’s Awards Ceremony took place on Sunday 7 May in St Peter’s Church, Old Woking, an attractive venue that we have used for some years now. The customary format was followed – concert in the church and a sumptuous tea in the church hall. Although it was on the same weekend as the Coronation, we nevertheless had an enthusiastic audience.
The Trust’s Chairman, Mel Beynon, introduced each of the performers, with some remarks about their musical achievements and aspirations, and the concert was concluded by some encouraging thoughts from the Mayor of Woking, Cllr Saj Hussein.
The programme was pleasingly varied. Four performers were in the 14-19 age group – pianists Lucia Hernandez Turnbull and Charlie Perkins, contrasted by Antony Harris, Marimba, and Zoe Legge, voice.
Lucia played “Moonbeams” by Barbara Arens and “I Hear What You Say” by Ben Crosland.
Charlie Perkins played “The Man I Love” by Gershwin with great feeling.
Antony Harris played “Tune for Mary O” By Rich O’Meara.
The programme ended with Zoe Legge doing a dramatic piece by Sondheim entitled “Green Finch and Linnet Bird”.
A special feature of this year’s concert was the inauguration of a new award, specifically for much younger musicians. This was the result of a generous bequest from the late Ruth Felton, who was a valued trustee for many years. The concert featured two performers in this category: Lucas Oliver, violin, aged nine, and Alex Qu, aged eight, who played both marimba and piano.
Lucas Oliver played “Allettamenti per Camera” by Guiseppe Valentini and “Quizás, Quizás, Quizás” by Farrés.
Alex Qu played “Rain Dance” by Alice Gomez and Marilyn Rife on the Marimba and then a very spirited performance of the Gigue from French Suite No.5 by J S Bach.
The Trust is pleased to be able to give such encouragement to aspiring young musicians and this to provide a valuable contribution to the musical activity of this region.

Alex Qu on the Marimba

Lucas Oliver on the violin